Unix timestamp to date and time

Unix Timestamp to Human-Readable Date Converter for Developers

Convert Unix timestamps to human-readable dates and vice versa. This free tool supports multiple timezones, date formats, and real-time conversion, making it essential for developers working with server logs, databases, and APIs.

Enter either a timestamp (e.g., 1704067200) or date (e.g., 2024-01-01 00:00:00)
Current Time Information
Current Unix Timestamp
Current Date & Time

How to Use

1 Enter a Unix timestamp (e.g., 1704067200) or a date (e.g., 2024-01-01 00:00:00)
2 Select your desired timezone from the dropdown menu
3 Choose your preferred output format
4 Click "Convert" to see the result
5 Use the copy button to copy the result to your clipboard

Key Features

Instant Bi-directional Conversion

Convert between Unix timestamps and human-readable dates instantly

Support for All Global Timezones

Convert timestamps across any timezone worldwide

Multiple Date Format Options

Choose from multiple date format options including ISO 8601

Real-time Current Timestamp

View current Unix timestamp updated in real-time

One-Click Copy Function

Copy results to clipboard with a single click

Timezone Auto-detection

Automatically detects your local timezone

ISO 8601 Support

Full support for ISO 8601 date format standard

Input Format Flexibility

Flexible input format recognition for dates

Technical Notes

  • • Unix timestamps are always in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • • Supports timestamps from 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC
  • • 32-bit systems support dates up to 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 UTC
  • • 64-bit systems support dates far beyond the year 2038
  • • Millisecond precision available through extended timestamps

Common Use Cases

Debug Server Logs

Quickly analyze and verify timestamp entries in server logs

Database Timestamp Management

Convert between database timestamps and human-readable formats

API Development & Testing

Test API endpoints and verify timestamp handling

Cross-timezone Event Scheduling

Coordinate events across different time zones

Log File Analysis

Parse and understand timestamp data in log files

System Performance Monitoring

Track and analyze system events with precise timing

Data Migration & Synchronization

Ensure accurate timestamp conversion during data transfers

Audit Trail Management

Maintain accurate timing records for audit purposes

Frequently Asked Questions

A Unix timestamp (also known as POSIX time or Epoch time) represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT). It's a standardized way to track time in computing systems, independent of timezone or date format.

Unix timestamps are ideal for computing because they're: 1) Timezone-independent, 2) Easy to compare and sort, 3) Compact to store, 4) Eliminate ambiguity in date representations. They're widely used in databases, logs, APIs, and file systems.

Standard Unix timestamps are accurate to the second. For millisecond precision, some systems use millisecond timestamps (13 digits instead of 10). This tool handles second-level precision, which is suitable for most applications.

For 32-bit systems, Unix timestamps have a limit (known as Year 2038 problem) of January 19, 2038. However, 64-bit systems can handle dates far beyond that, effectively until the year 292,277,026,596.

While Unix timestamps are timezone-independent, converting to human-readable dates requires timezone context. This ensures accurate local time display for users across different regions.

Yes, you can convert any past or future date within the supported range. This is particularly useful for scheduling, planning, and testing time-dependent applications.