JavaScript Obfuscator

JavaScript Obfuscator: Secure Your Code & Protect Intellectual Property

Transforms readable JavaScript code into a more complex and harder-to-understand version while maintaining exact functionality. Helps protect intellectual property by making source code more difficult to reverse engineer or copy.

Obfuscation Options
Obfuscated Code
Original Size
0 bytes
Obfuscated Size
0 bytes
Compression Ratio

What is JavaScript Obfuscation?

JavaScript obfuscation is the process of transforming readable JavaScript code into a version that's more difficult for humans to understand, while maintaining the same functionality. This helps protect your intellectual property and makes reverse engineering more challenging.

How JavaScript Obfuscation Works

Name Mangling

Replaces meaningful variable and function names with shorter, random identifiers

String Encoding

Converts string literals into encoded representations to hide readable text

Control Flow Transformation

Modifies program structure while maintaining functionality

Code Compression

Removes unnecessary whitespace and combines code into minimal form