Compare two lists

Compare Lists: Find Matches, Unique Items & Differences

Compare two lists to find matching items, unique items in each list, and identify differences. Perfect for data analysis and verification.

Text Replacement (Optional)


Below are the comparison results between your two lists.

Matching Items
Unique to List 1
Unique to List 2

How to Use

  1. Enter items manually or upload a file for each list
  2. Optionally use the text replacement feature to modify content
  3. Choose your comparison options
  4. Click "Compare Lists" to see the results


  • File Upload: Support for .txt and .csv files
  • Text Replacement: Find and replace text in both lists
  • Copy/Clear: Easy management of list content
  • Trim Whitespace: Removes extra spaces
  • Ignore Case: Case-insensitive comparison

Results Management

  • Copy Results: Each result section has its own copy button
  • Reset All: Clear all inputs and results at once